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"Where there is no vision, the people will perish..."

--Proverbs 29:11 




ello! I am First Lady Carol D. Wills, the Co-Pastor of Pillars of Faith Holy Church. I was born in the State of Virginia and raised in Washington, DC. I got saved and filled with the Holy Ghost in 1977, in Greater Friendship Church, in Washington, DC. I was very active in church during my tenure in that church. I served in many different ministries and outreaches, both within, and outside of the church. As a Senior Missionary, I spent quality time teaching and ministering to the inmates in Lorton Prison, in Lorton, Virginia and in DC Jail, in Washington, DC.


In 1994 I helped my husband (Elder Melvin E. Wills, Sr.), establish a new church (Pillars of Faith Holy Church) in Washington, DC. As the Co-Founder and First Lady, I continued my zeal and faithful services unto the Lord Jesus Christ. I co-hosted two different radio station broadcasts called “According To The Scriptures,” with my husband for several years. I was called into the ministry and received my credentials as a Licensed Minister in 2001. Years later, I was ordained an Elder in the church. In 2005 I was elevated to the office of Co-Pastor, to serve beside my husband. I have experienced the joy and challenges that come with ministry. I am the loving wife of Dr. Melvin E. Wills, Sr. (our Senior Pastor and Bishop), for over 48 years.

I serve as the Superintendent of Sunday School, Advisor to POF Women's Ministry, Member of the Trustee Board, and etc. in our local church. As the Co-Pastor, I preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ on a regular basis. I serve as the First Lady of the Capitol Area Southern Maryland Fellowship of Churches, where my husband is the District Bishop. I am excited about the direction the LORD is leading our church, as HE enlarges our borders and expands our facility and campus to do greater works in the community, nation, and abroad for the future of this young generation. To GOD be all the glory. 

We thank you in advance for your support of Pillars of Faith Holy Church! Your efforts to support our growth in ministry is met with great gratitude.  Click below to learn the ways you can support POFHC. 



We host a variety of services and we want you to experience Pillars of Faith Holy Church through them all.


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