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our beliefs and vision

Our Senior and Co-Pastor Bishop Melvin E. Wills, Sr. and First Lady Carol D. Wills. Click below to discover their journey as

amazing shepherds of the  Lord.

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We Welcome you

We are committed to preaching and teaching the entire Word of GOD without constraint or deterrence because this WORD will transform the lives of everyone that receives it. The Word of GOD is preached according to the scriptures, with great relevant applications to our daily lives. As a church family, we will actively labor to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and train the children and adults, as we spread the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST throughout the world. We stand in covenant agreement with you concerning your needs and spiritual growth. We are a loving and caring congregation for people. We look forward to fellowship with you very soon, as we labor together for CHRIST here at Pillars of Faith Ministries.

The Vision of the Church

Vision Statement

"Where there is no vision, the people perish"........(Proverbs 29:18)

     We believe God's vision for Pillars Of Faith Holy Church (also known as Pillars of Faith Ministries), is to be a CHRIST centered Church.  Our focus shall be upon worship, praise and fellowship; fully committed to evangelism, POF Leadership Recognition & Holy Communion, and growth; empowered by the Holy Ghost to the faithful preaching and teaching of the Word of God.


Mission Statement

Our mission as ambassadors of Christ is to carry the gospel to a dying world with love, faith and forgiveness; empowered by the Holy Ghost, we shall by prayer and supplication:

  • Provide a place of worship for all people.

  • Provide a facility that will accommodate the ministry for our children, parents and family unit.

  • Provide an opportunity where each individual may receive Christ as Lord and Savior and grow to Christian maturity.

  • Promote loving family value principles.

  • Promote a holistic ministry to develop balance in the total person.

  • Promote community involvement.

  • Promote corporate and personal daily devotions.

We thank you in advance for your support of Pillars of Faith Holy Church! Your efforts to support our growth in ministry is met with great gratitude.  Click below to learn the ways you can support POFHC. 



We host a variety of services and we want you to experience Pillars of Faith Holy Church through them all.


There's no place like home and here is a quick link to direct you back to POFHC's Home Page.

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